
Deaf Friendly Ltd» All things BSL and Deaf Awareness

Online Learning

PremierBSL’s online BSL course provides top quality teaching and allows you to learn at your own pace and convenience. For those who say you can’t learn BSL online, just look at our learners with their formal certificates.

If you can’t attend a weekly face to face class, but desperately want to learn, you can, all from the comfort of your own sofa, desk or iPhone.

Translation Services

A highly experienced and respected BSL translator, and an expert in Welsh regional dialect,  you will recognise Sarah from her work on TV and in translating numerous public service information leaflets. If you are looking to give equal access to the Deaf community to any information, through the provision of a BSL video, then Deaf Friendly Ltd can translate it, and produce a finished video for you.

Premier BSL

PremierBSL offers courses that are the pinnacle of BSL tuition; they are fully accredited sign language courses awarded by Signature and taught by expert teachers.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never signed before or you’re already proficient – PremierBSL has plenty to teach you.

Deaf Friendly exists because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of deafness, and the adverse impact that had on our Director’s life and the lives of many of the 10 million people in the UK who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Determined to turn bad experiences to good ones, we started delivering Deaf Awareness training more than 25 years ago. Deaf led, our training is comprehensive, fun and enjoyable, but most of all it is life enhancing.

Workplace Support

Over the last 25 years, Deaf Friendly has helped numerous organisations integrate Deaf or Hard of Hearing people into the workplace. We help ensure you are providing good access for deaf clients/customers/staff, and can provide expert advice for you and your staff on any workplace issues, so that you comply with Equality law and get the best out of all your resources.

Accredited Training

Highly competent and annually assessed teachers deliver our certified courses, from the Introductory Level Award, to the advanced Level 6 qualification. Priced to allow everyone to progress to the highest levels of qualification, our students also get free access to sector leading online resources. If you are looking for a certified course, please get in touch.

Bespoke BSL Training

We are able to offer you completely bespoke BSL training sessions; whether you work in a police station, coffee shop or Local Authority, we can train your staff in the language used by them in their work place. For example, working with Wales’ biggest building society, Deaf Friendly trained Principality’s frontline staff with BSL specific to the customer and cashier interaction.

BSL Taster Sessions

A BSL Taster course is the most basic sign language course. It offers complete novices the chance to try out the language. Delivered in a fun but meaningful way, people have a laugh whilst learning. One young farmers’ group from West Wales recently commented that this was the best course they had ever been on!

Private Tuition & Learner Support

Deaf Friendly offers tailored one-to-one sessions for those at any stage of their BSL learning; looking to get advice, extra practice or work on difficulties together. Drawing on over 25 years of BSL teaching, our teachers can help you throughout your studies, and make sure you are best placed to do well at the exams.

Our Latest News

2704, 2023
BSL Courses Cardiff/Wales

April 27th, 2023|

Are you looking for a BSL course in Wales?

Our new Level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 courses will be starting in September 2024.

Level 1 Course £404 (including exam fees)

Following a pilot course last year, with children as young as 8 learning BSL alongside a parents, we also have a Level 1 family course this year.

Level 2 Course £787 (including exam fees)

Our prices are the most competitive in Wales.

A range of classes are available, face to face, live online or through a pre-recorded distance learning course.

Interested or want to know more, email sarah@deaf-friendly.co.uk

2504, 2023
Teaching Children BSL Achieves Life Long Ambition

April 25th, 2023|

The best news in the world is that a BSL GCSE will be available on the national curriculum in Wales from September 2027. Will children be interested in learning BSL? Well we’ll just have to wait and see, but from the involvement we have had with schools and the Welsh Government, all the signs are positive. “I couldn’t be more excited about it”, Sarah Lawrence told us, “I’m imagining a Wales when I’m an old lady where I can walk into a shop, a cafe, a restaurant, the doctor’s surgery, anywhere really, and I’ll be met by someone working there who can sign with me. What a game changer that will be.”

Since the decision to introduce the BSL (Wales) GCSE, we have been developing programmes of BSL suitable for children in Year 1 upwards to start to learn BSL from scratch. We have been delighted by the […]

Deaf Friendly: Teaching, Training and Translating BSL

Helping you promote and deliver equality for deaf and hard of hearing people.

About Deaf Friendly Limited

Deaf owned and run, Deaf Friendly Ltd. is one of the oldest established deaf friendly consultancies in the world. A training and translation provider based in South Wales, we service the whole of the UK and wider afield, focussing on all issues around deafness.

Our training will always be led by a Deaf trainer, utilising detailed knowledge of deaf people’s experiences to deliver the most appropriate training available.

Our reputation is unrivalled and that is why we still exist 25 years after the business was first launched.

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